

Operates its business and establishes its profiles by delivering innovative and renovating IT solutions for today's and future using "express computing", defined as the computing technology in terms of sources and resources opened, architecture light, energy green, and systems sustainable and interoperable.


Business model


Our model is based on the concepts of liberal, open and transparent to the primary stakeholders: clients, and congregation. The communications and collaborations with enterprise and industrials, healthy business relationships, professionalism, and business credits and commitments are the major modules to form our business model being carried out through business strategies and action tasks. The company strongly emphasizes the importance of no discrimination of age, gender, ethnics, and nationalities. The company's business operation should be obeyed the laws of USA and the ones in other international countries. The company ultimate goal is to establish a national and international recognized IT business for healthcare, education, and environmental and energy systems.

Our Mission


It provides business integrated IT solutions including cloud computing, high performance computing, data management and processing, data mining, especially big data management and analysis, statistical analysis etc. It's goal is to improve the efficiency business operational services with energy saving and environmental protection.





Digigent to us and honest and sincere to people.