DerKingnee Institute of Computational Science and Engineering Heading


CSE Image


Physical and Mathematical Modeling


Parallel Algorithms


Parallel Programming


Multi-core Computer Architecture


Systems Administration


Data Decomposition


High Performance Computing


Data Visualization



DerKingnee's Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) Program is an education program which accelerates the promotion of computations in sciences and engineering. Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) is a multidisciplinary domain. It matters to the raise of national competitiveness and sustainability in sciences and engineering. It becomes the third methodologies in addition to theoretical analysis and experimental study. CSE is commonly is still a new discipline that focuses on large-scale systematic modeling, unprecedented computing, the start-of-the arts of modeling and real-time simulations to intensive analyze natural phenomena and engineered systems using high-end computational techniques and relevant information technology. CSE is an inherently interdisciplinary. It closely ties to many scientific and engineering areas and fundamental sciences such as computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biosciences,materials science. It links to almost all the areas of engineering. It draws upon and integrates the concepts and principles from these fields to define a new, cohesive body of knowledge centered on the representation and manipulation of computational models and simulations, and scientific data visualization and vitalization. There are many CSE related activities and resources available to public. Education mission to promote this urgent domain development needs social and community supportive efforts. DerKingnee institute will contribute its best effort to help support this special higher and continuous education mission.




Computational Sciences and Engineering (CSE) Program

Course Number
Course Name
DKN 7001
Parallel Algorithms
DKN 7002
C Programming Language
DKN 7003
C++ Programming Language
DKN 7004
HPC System Architecture
DKN 7005
Data Visualization
DKN 7006
High Performance Networks
DKN 7007
HPC Data Mining
DKN 7008
Parallel Data and Signal Processing
DKN 7009
Distributed Computing

DKN 7010

Cloud Computing
DKN 7011
Parallel Computing in Optimization
DKN 7012
Java Programming Language
DKN 7013
Numerical Analysis and Methods
DKN 7014
LINUX Systems Administration
DKN 7015
High Performance Computing
DKN 7016
Parallel Programming with CUDA
DKN 7017
Parallel Programming with MPI
DKN 7018
Parallel Programming with OpenMP
DKN 7019
Parallel Programming with OpneCL
DKN 7020
Parallel Computing Tuning, Optimization, and Performance Measurement
DKN 7021
Parallel Computing and Data Decomposition
DKN 7022
Python Programming Language
DKN 7023
Scientific Data Visualization
DKN 7024
Parallel Digital Image Processing
DKN 7025
Multi-core Computer Architecture  
Parallel Data Intensive Computing